“I spent my life folded between the pages of books.In the absence of human relationships I formed bonds with paper characters. I lived love and loss through stories threaded in history; I experienced adolescence by association. My world is one interwoven web of words, stringing limb to limb, bone to sinew, thoughts and images all together. I am a being comprised of letters, a character created by sentences, a figment of imagination formed through fiction.”

― Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Random Question Monday: Teams & Not So Good DOUBLE FEATURE

Hey guys, this is Kait....and it's RANDOM QUESTION MONDAY. What's that? You ask? Well take a look here:

Random Question Monday is a weekly meme hosted by us here at 2 B Read. It is where you guys send in random questions and we answer. Submit your random questions here.

2 questions this week....(both from comments)

D.L.T. (Delaney)

Why do famous books always have teams?


What's a title of a book you REALLY love...but the book description doesn't sound as good?


Best questions yet! Here we go.
Q 1:

because it is a easy way to express which way you would like the love triangle to go. I think what makes people dislike "teams" is because it mainly started with Twilight....just because people have strong feelings against Twilight doesn't mean they should hate on "teams" I've heard people say "Stop saying 'I'm team ____ or team ____' This is NOT Twilight!!" but just because it's a Twilight thing (to originate from) it doesn't mean it can't be shared without. Some people disagree with there being say, a "Team Peeta or Team Gale" because it's not about the love triangle...which I completely agree with...but there still can be a choice. Say "I love Peeta and I hope Katniss chooses him, therefore I am 'Team Peeta'" Overall it's not something to be annoyed with if it's played somewhat lightly... (I understand the obsessive fans who want nothing to do with the book itself but just their teams...that's a whole other topic of discussion)

GREAT question by the way!


Wolves, Boys and Other Things That Might Kill Me by

 Wolves, Boys and Other Things That Might Kill Me

This book sounds SOOOOO good....and the cover looks pretty good...The wolf, the girl with the hair flying and popped collar....Makes me wonder...

Wolves There you have it right there.....it explains itself...why? Because I LOVE wolves..... moving on.. BOYS well...now we've tossed in a good romance...always appealing. Other things that might KILL ME ooh...action....and now it makes me re-think the first two...now I'm saying "Werewolves!" and "oh...THAT kind of boy....even more interesting"

but instead....

KJ Carson lives an outdoor lover’s dream. The only daughter of a fishing and wildlife guide, KJ can hold her own on the water or in the mountains near her hometown outside Yellowstone National Park. But when she meets the shaggy-haired, intensely appealing Virgil, KJ loses all self-possession. And she’s not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing that they’re assigned to work together on a school newspaper article about the famous wolves of Yellowstone. As KJ spends time with Virgil, she also spends more time getting to know a part of her world that she always took for granted . . . and she begins to see herself and her town in a whole new light.

SCIENCE. S-C-I-E-N-C-E. No werewolves.  Nothing Paranormal. Just science...regualer old wolves. SCHOOL PROJECT....POOP. A nature reserve and a boring boring *yawn* ...I forgot what I was going to say......  and "she begins to see herself and her town in a whole new light." That kind of plot...at least the boy sounds promising..but not enough...

This is the kind of thing that makes me want to take the title...and run with it...write my own thrilling tale...completely opposite the real story.

something with Werewolves, boys, and other things that might kill her. I really really do.....

How about you guys? Anyone else know a book like this?


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